Friday, February 1, 2008

February already

Friday night - thank God! I'm grumpy tonight. I think I'm just tired. My sister called last night and we ended up talking close to two hours (until after midnight) - a record for us. It was a very good conversation.
This morning I met with the moving company rep and it will be cheaper for me to move back than it was for me to move here. I'm thrilled about that. I'm all for saving money when and where I can. This move will be a lot easier because I don't have all the other stuff that I had in Nashville that I had to find something to do with. I'm going to go through my stuff again and what I haven't used since I've been here is going to be donated or thrown away. The less I move with the easier it will be on both ends.
I want to say I'm so excited about this move but I was so excited about the move down here. Things definitely didn't turn out the way I had hoped or envisioned. While I am looking forward to getting back I am sad that things didn't go better with my brother and his wife. I called my brother last night and he still isn't in the mood to do much communicating with me. I feel like I have done everything in my power to right the wrongs that they think I did and they aren't budging. Our conversation (or lack of it) last night helped confirm that I have made the right decision to leave.
Maybe I'll be cheerier tomorrow and have more to write about. Right now I just want to pack a few boxes so I feel like I've started and then relax for the rest of the night.

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