Friday, February 8, 2008

Fantastic Friday

I don't think today could be any better. I dropped Leah off at school this morning and she was in a great mood, looking forward to her day. The puppy is at the Vet getting his stitches out and then will get a bath and a haircut. It is beautiful weatherwise - lots of sunshine and the ever present breeze. Today is expected to be about 82 degrees. To top it off, it's Friday!

I'm getting more excited as we get nearer to our moving date. I cannot wait to get back home. Our apartment complex there sounds like it is going to be nice. They have a playground that Leah can enjoy and they have what they call their Bark Park for Oreo. A place for both of my "children" to play - you can't beat that! Moving up at the beginning of spring is something I am looking forward to as well as I love the springs there. Oh let's face it, I could fill this entire blog entry with the things I am looking forward to about getting back home. Even with all of that the most important thing to me is getting back close to my friends. Gosh how I have missed them! I can't wait for Kathy to get here and am looking forward to our road trip together. I've already warned her that she is going to get the biggest hug of her life when she gets off that airplane. I've missed her the most. I could write another entire blog entry just on Kathy and John alone and what they have taught me about friendship and faith. Ray and I talked often about how enriched and blessed our lives had been having them as friends. Mine contines to be. Truly good friends like them are hard to come by.

This weekend is going to be a big packing and sorting through stuff weekend. If I can get rid of even more things than I did before I left Nashville it will be a good thing. The lighter I travel the better I'll like it. It will be much easier to settle in to our new apartment if I don't have as much stuff. I'm learning not to be a pack rat - thank goodness! I am beginning to see just how much healthier it is not to have so much stuff. This is one time I'm glad to have a big dumpster in our parking lot - it will hold a lot of things that I no longer need to hold on to.

Well, it's about time to go pick Leah up and get this weekend started.

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