Monday, February 4, 2008

A New Week

It is a typical Sunday night here. Leah is asleep, I have clothes in the dryer and I just finished cleaning the kitchen. I've got tomorrow's supper planned out with the help of the crock pot, fruit is washed for breakfast and the table is set. Before I go to bed clothes will be laid out for both of us. Unless I over sleep, tomorrow morning should be easy. I feel like I've been on a roll because all of my bills are paid, and I've done some packing for the move this weekend. When I looked at the calendar earlier, I realized that I only have two more weekends to pack before my furniture is picked up. I have such a sense of relief to be leaving here. I cannot deny that it is beautiful here and I've enjoyed it overall but it just isn't home.

Leah and I went to the barbeque at church tonight and had a great time. I will definitely miss this church. It is one of a kind. Never have I felt so at home so quickly with a congregation. John and I had a chance to sit and talk for awhile and that was a good thing. I am going to miss that man. He is a gentle soul that has a genuine love of people. I watched him tonight as he helped in the kitchen then mingled through the crowd, helping our older members get refills on drinks, bringing them extra napkins and their dessert. He is just one of those people that you can't help but love.

Even though I am tired and my body is a bit on the achy side tonight, I still have a sense of contentment. Things are going well and life is good.

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

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