Sunday, January 27, 2008

Ending Another Weekend

I can't believe it is already Sunday afternoon. This weekend has absolutely flown by. The puppy is home and doing fine. He has to wear one of those cones to keep him from chewing on the stitches but he has adjusted to it pretty well. He was very glad to get home and we were certainly glad to get him home. The place seemed quiet without him.

Friday afternoon I signed the lease on our new apartment in TN. I can't believe how easy it was to make the transfer from this complex to one in another state. They did everything by fax and telephone. All I have to do when I get there is go by and pick up the keys. Amazing. Sitting in church this morning was the first time I've had any second thoughts about my decision to move back. I love the pastors of this church, I love their vision, I love the diversity, I just love this church. The ministerial staff is strong but the support staff is not. I was thinking how much I love working with the pastors of this church but the reality of it is I work mainly with the support staff and not the pastors, thus making my day to day reality different. As I sat there I thought about what all this church has to look forward to; a new sanctuary, etc.... and I wondered if I made the right decision. As I pondered this it occurred to me that God is with me and directing my life in West Palm Beach and in Tennessee - it really doesn't matter where I live. Again, I was seeing only what was in front of me and not seeing the big picture. God can use me no matter where I live as long as I stay open to his Spirit. The peace about my decision returned. In four short weeks we'll be back in the colder climate, the rolling hills and back among friends. That is what I have missed most of all - my friends. Never again will I take them for granted and think that they are not as important as they are. I gave up a lot when I moved here - more than I realized. I'm just glad that I didn't stay away so long that I've lost touch with them.

Well, laundry is calling as is the need to spend time with Leah. Maybe I'll find time to write more later today - if not, during the week to be sure.

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