Monday, April 7, 2008

Catching Up

It's a beautiful day here today - lots of sunshine and the temps are warmer. I certainly needed a day like this. The grey, raining days always tend to bring me down. I had a doctor's appointment first thing this morning. Upped my insulin again - 3 injections a day. I hauled Leah in with me as I wanted a follow-up check of her throat as she had strep. Said her throat is still red but that is from the sinus drainage due to allergies. Poor baby. For whatever reason, my allergies haven't been bothering me so far this spring. I'm thankful for that - I don't miss the headaches that I usually get this time of year. Other than higher than normal blood sugars that leave me tired, I'm feeling pretty good.

Yesterday Leah and I had a late lunch at a restaurant down on the square. The houses in that area are so beautiful. They are mainly older and most of them have been restored. I'd love to be able to afford one! It was nice enough that we opted to sit at an outside table. Eating outside is always a good idea with Leah as she hates to sit for very long and loves the freedom of being able to get up and move around between bites. There are these beautiful streetlights with the old fashioned poles that line the streets. Leah kept going over to the one that was close to us and wrapped her legs around it, hugging it, kind of attempting to climb it. At one point my mind flashed forward about twenty years and I "saw" her pole dancing. It was that image that caused me to make her sit back down and eat. Yikes!!

I love our new apartment. We have settled in quite well. I am more unpacked here than I ever was in Florida. Even though I am still job hunting I do not regret for a moment the decision to move back. I love it here and feel so at home. I don't think I'll ever leave Tennessee again. I always thought that I'd probably move back to Kentucky at some point but now I don't think I will. This is home.

"Crazy Dog" has moved about half of his toys outside onto the screened-in porch and is lying in the sunshine, upside down, with two toys in his mouth. He loves this warmer weather too. He loves having me home during the day as well. Every now and then he trots in here to check me out and then goes back outside. A dog's life, to be sure. I am so attached to this puppy. Even though I loved our Golden Retriever, this one has just stolen my heart. He is just so full of life, funny, and a character. Everyday I have to get the broom out and get all the "treasures" he has taken under my bed. Yesterday we couldn't find the remote anywhere and found it - along with new teeth marks - under my bed. The morning I pulled my new blackberry out from under the bed with several teeth marks was when I realized why they are called shih-tzus. I wanted to beat the sh*t out of him but didn't. As Leah reminded me, "He's just a puppy Mommy." But, other than those things he is a sweetie and a lot of company for both of us.

I have yet another doctor's appt. today up by Vanderbilt. This not having health insurance right now is a killer. I need a job for the insurance! Hopefully soon. I can make enough money freelancing but that doesn't get me the benefits that I need. It seems as though insurance companies don't want to issue private policies to hypertensive, asthmatic diabetics. Hmmmm . . . go figure! *sigh* At least I'm not as bad as my mother was. Once, before she died, I was giving my family medical history to a new doctor. When I gave him the list of her ailments, he turned and asked me, "So, when did she die?" He was rather surprised to find out that she was still alive.

On that note, I'll close this entry. I have things I need to get done before I head over to West End.

1 comment:

Kim said...

Oh you have no idea now happy I am to see you blogging again!

Glad to hear that you are so happy back home and settling in so quickly.

Write to me!!! I need/want your new address.

Love you!