Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Leah and I have had such a busy week. We actually got home before 8:00 tonight and we both agreed that there is no place like home. The dogs are glad to be out of their kennels and are running around chasing each other and Leah is on the couch playing with her dolls and watching TV. I've got a load of clothes in the washer and am glad to not have to really think about anything for a moment.

Today at work was a late day. The church is starting a Hispanic ministry and our team had a meeting late this afternoon. I actually had to leave before the meeting was over so I could get to MAC in time to pick up Leah. There is so much to be done but I find it very exciting to see a new community form where there once wasn't one. The passion of those who have been involved in getting this started is incredible and very moving to witness. It is at times like this that I am reminded why I love working with the church. To see lives transformed is one of the most gratifying things to witness.

I took a week off from studying and now I am finding it hard to get back into the momentum that I had going. I have to go on campus this Friday and take at least one unit exam. I'd like to think that I could be ready for two of them but I'm not sure that I will be. I've got to catch back up. Once I get this third class finished I'll feel much better.

As much as I want to write more, I'm pooped and still have four chapters to read before I go on campus Friday. Maybe I'll have more energy and more to write about tomorrow.

1 comment:

Kim said...

There's no place like home, there's no place like home, there's no place like home.

Sorry...had to do it. :)

Watching a new ministry grow is very exciting!! Love doing that and being involved when it does happen.